get to know us
Pro Image has served over 100,000 fully registered customers in and around Upper Westside of Manhattan, offering a wide range of imaging services rated "Best in Class" by Kodak.
It was founded in 1996 by Manny Parks, who made an exemplary transition from a traditional film lab to a future oriented multimedia processing retail service bureau handling photo processing to commercial signage to audio/video processing. To meet customers' demands and expectations in the technology evolution Pro Image also actively incorporates outsourcing to other specialty companies out of NY, to Canada, Germany and Switzerland.
From the beginning, Pro Image has delivered quality and selections at competitive prices, always mindful of quality w/ price: as the slogan said, "More imaging; more value."
Eastman Kodak Company has recognised Pro Image Photo six times as the industry's outstanding lab.
Our Amsterdam location has earned: Best In Class (2003), Best In Class (2005), Achievement In Retail Excellence (2006) - The winners are announced in the following year, and 2006 was the most recent contest.
Our Broadway location has earned: Best In Class (2003), Achievement In Retail Excellence (2005), Best In Class (2006)

National Marketing - 1st Place
In 2006 Pro Image won 1st place in a national marketing contest co-sponsored by Disney and Kodak.
A number of trade magazines covered Pro Image's success story.
manny parks
He served as an advisory board member for the Kodak Imaging Center Solution (KICS) Program of the Kodak Company and an advisory committee member of the Photo Marketing Association International (PMA). In his previous business, MACH21, he was a national distributor of AGFA photo developing system. He's currently a director of International Photographic Council, a UN NGO.